Recent Changes in Singapore's Climate

Observations from stations with 40+ years of data reveal that Singapore's climate has undergone notable changes recently. Explore how temperatures, rainfall and humidity have changed since the 1980s.
Changes in Mean Temperature
Singapore has been warming over the last 40 years at a rate of 0.24°C per decade. The days are becoming hotter and nights are increasingly warmer. Our coolest month now is hotter than our warmest month in the 1960s.
View moreChanges in Mean Rainfall
Singapore's rainfall patterns have been changing during the recent decades. Despite large year-to-year variations, annual rainfall island-wide has increased at rate of 83 mm per decade over the past 40 years.
View moreChanges in Mean Humidity
The level of humidity in the air affects how we feel and our ability to cool down when outdoors. Explore how relative humidity levels have changed over Singapore.
View moreRecent Sea Level Change
Mean sea level has been rising around Singapore and the region. Explore how sea levels have changed as measured from tide gauges around Singapore and those from satellite altimeter measurements for the region.
View moreSea Level Projections up to 2150
Following the IPCC AR6 methodology, we provide state-of-the-art sea level time series projections for six tide gauge locations around Singapore and 13 regional locations around Southeast Asia. Sea Level projections around Singapore also show contributions from six key components (Antarctic ice sheets, Greenland ice sheets, Glaciers, Land Water Storage, Ocean Sterodynamics and Vertical Land Movement).
View moreThe Third National Climate Change Study (V3) is Singapore's next-generation of future climate projections. Get a broad overview on various aspects of the V3 Study by clicking ‘View more’.
V3 Explained
What is V3? What are its key features? What areas do V3 climate projections underpin? What data does V3 provide? Read our quick briefing note about what V3 is all about.
View moreKey Findings of V3
A high-level summary of the most important results from the V3 Study for Singapore.
View moreClimate Change - From Global to Local
Learn how we transform global-scale climate projections into local-scale information for a climate-resilient Singapore.
View morePast and Future Sea-Level Change
The pace of sea-level rise has accelerated in recent years due to several factors. Find out what these factors are and how local sea-level change projections are generated to help inform climate action.
View moreUnderstanding Extreme Events in a Changing Climate
Global warming is expected to lead to more frequent and intense extreme events. Learn how extreme events are defined by statistical percentiles and how climate extremes are commonly characterised by indices.
View moreUpcoming Topics
View a list of our upcoming brochures that summarise additional aspects related to V3.
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