Engaging Southeast Asia and Beyond

At the highest level of detail available for Southeast Asia today, V3 climate projections are highly relevant to stakeholders who have an interest in how climate change will impact the region in the coming decades. To support the building of a climate-resilient society through meaningful collaborations, we will be sharing V3 data and partnering with regional and international entities as well as the wider scientific community through the following:

ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC)

The ASMC was established in 1993 under the auspices of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Meteorology and Geophysics, and is hosted by the Meteorological Service Singapore. One of its key roles is to undertake research and development to improve the scientific understanding of weather and climate systems of significance to the region. In line with this function, MSS through the ASMC plans to share V3 data and findings with ASEAN Member States to support the region’s scientific understanding of climate change and associated impacts.


The ASMC will also be organising workshops to train ASEAN participants on the use and interpretation of V3 data, and sponsoring the attachment of ASEAN scientists to undertake research using V3 results. 





CORDEX is an international framework co-sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to produce coordinated sets of regional downscaled climate projections worldwide. Specifically, CORDEX-SEA is an important regional branch of the global CORDEX community which focuses on providing climate change projections in the SEA region.


CCRS will be contributing selected V3 projections at 8km resolution to CORDEX-SEA through the CORDEX-SEA Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) data nodes. This dataset is available to all with registered access to ESGF. Our V3 data features a higher resolution and an alternative high emissions scenario, and can be used in conjunction with the CORDEX-SEA regional projections for climate change and impacts assessment studies in the SEA region.


Food and Agriculture Organization

of the United Nations (UNFAO)

Under the ambit of the Singapore – UNFAO Memorandum of Understanding, CCRS and the UNFAO had in Nov 2022 agreed to embark on a collaboration on climate-resilient agri-food systems in Southeast Asia. The collaboration will entail CCRS sharing V3 climate projections data for the Southeast Asian region for incorporation into UNFAO’s climate risk assessment tools. We are also exploring future joint workshops with the UNFAO to train ASEAN Member States in the use of UNFAO’s tools and embedded V3 regional data. Collectively, these activities would enable regional stakeholders to leverage the UNFAO’s tools to conduct more detailed agricultural climate impact assessments at the national level.


Collaboration Opportunities


Interested in harnessing the value of V3 data for non-commercial research and educational purposes? We welcome new opportunities to collaborate with the ASEAN region and beyond in making use of V3 climate projections for the region through collaborations of mutual interest.

Contact us at NEA_CCRS_Engage@nea.gov.sg.