21 OCT 2020
Fifteen Session of the ASEAN Climate Outlook Forum (ASEANCOF-15)

Date: 23 NOV 2020 - 27 NOV 2020
Venue: Virtual Event
The ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) will be hosting ASEANCOF-15 between 23 and 27 November 2020 (three half-day sessions). The DJF boreal winter monsoon season ASEANCOF sessions are typically held in the second half of November to benefit from the latest model forecast available from the WMO LC-LRFMME. Due to travel restrictions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, ASEANCOF-15 will be held online. ASEANCOF-15 will be held over three half-day online sessions to allow more time for presentations and discussion, compared to previous online meetings.
Theme: The proposed theme for ASEANCOF-15 is Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). NMHSs will be invited to share national level forecasts they provide for the DRR community, as well as ideas for how ASEANCOF can support further development of climate services in this area. End-user representatives from the DRR community will be invited to participate in the final day of the session, to discuss and give their perspective on climate services. The benefits and requirements of the products proposed are to be explored.
Participation: All ASEAN NMHSs, as well as WMO, GPCs and international experts. End-user representatives from the DRR community will be invited to participate in the final day of the session.
Day 1 (PM)
- Presentations from GPCs
- Presentations from NMHSs
Day 2 (PM)
- Updates from Southeast Asia Regional Climate Centre – Network Nodes
- Summary of questionnaire results and objective verification of JJA 2020 forecast
- Consensus discussion on drivers, as well as rainfall and temperature outlooks for DJF 2020/21 season
Day 3 (PM)
- Presentation of final ASEANCOF consensus
- Presentations from select end-users
- Break-out sessions to discuss the climate related hazards for the session, available and potential products, and how ASEANCOF can support NMHSs in delivering outlooks for disaster risk reduction
ASEANCOF-15 Agenda [PDF, 0.62 MB]