22 MAY 2023
Twentieth Session of the ASEAN Climate Outlook Forum (ASEANCOF-20)

Date: 25 MAY 2023 - 30 MAY 2023
Venue: Virtual Event (Zoom)
The 20th Session of the ASEANCOF will be hosted by ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) and conducted online. ASEANCOF-20 aims to generate consensus rainfall and temperature outlooks for the June - August 2023 boreal summer monsoon season. The consensus will be provided alongside related information on weather and climate drivers in the Southeast Asia region such as the El Niño/La Niña, Indian Ocean Dipole, and monsoon circulations.
For the first two days: All ASEAN NMHSs, as well as ASEANCOF Working Group (AWG) members, international experts.
Final day: All ASEAN NMHSs, end-users representatives, both at the national level and regional level, as well as researchers with an interest in the topic are invited.