08 FEB 2021
Climate Projections, Workshops
Third Workshop on ASEAN Regional Climate Data, Analysis and Projections (ARCDAP-3)

Date: 15 MAR 2021 - 18 MAR 2021
Venue: Virtual Event
Objectives of ARCDAP-3 Workshop
To develop regional capabilities in evaluating the latest suite of model output from the CMIP6 database
- Assess the status of regional understanding of the CMIP databases (CMIP5 and 6)
- Obtain a shared understanding of CMIP’s status and latest developments of CMIP6
- Be introduced to certain resources for CMIP model evaluation (ESMValTool, Climate Explorer)
- Work towards developing a common framework for studying key regional climate processes across a range of climate models
- Develop a common understanding of suitable global climate models that can be relied upon for the ASEAN region
- Discuss and develop a regional consensus on most relevant emission scenarios to use for regional climate change projection
- Link the developed understanding about CMIP databases with existing and on-going projects to generate downscaled climate projections across the ASEAN region
Attaining these objectives will bring the region in line with the latest international standards of assessing climate models. Additionally, it will foster a regional community of data, knowledge and expertise regarding key meteorological and climatological processes influencing the region.
The total number of participants is likely to range between 35 and 45. Workshop participants will be from the following groups:
(a) Representatives from each of the 10 ASEAN NMHSs or relevant national agencies – 2 representatives per country, ideally climate scientists with expertise in using climate data, and/or climate modelling, and/or analysing climate processes and using in-situ data.
(b) International experts who have been leading the development of the CMIP database (e.g. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) CMIP Panel) and experts in key regional climate processes relevant to the ASEAN region.
(c) Producers and experienced users of regional climate models (CCRS and local experts from other Research Institutions in Singapore as well regional colleagues, e.g. contributing to CORDEX-SEA).
(d) Representatives from end-user sectors (e.g. AHA Centre) and the ASEAN secretariat.
(e) Representative(s) from the relevant WMO Technical Commission.
Proposed Structure for the ARCDAP-3 Workshop
A 4-day virtual workshop will be conducted from Monday the 15th to Thursday the 18th of March 2021. The workshop will be hosted virtually by CCRS over the Zoom videoconferencing platform. The GitHub platform will also complement the workshop as a repository for accompanying workshop material and presentations. The programme for each day will commence at 1030 hrs (SGT) and end no later than 1535 hrs (SGT) to accommodate regional and international participants from various time zones.
Day 1 Introduction to CMIP/ Presentations by NMHSs on experiences with GCMs |
AM (Introduction: welcome, opening address, workshop goals and structure)
Day 2 Presentations by NMHSs on experiences with GCMs/ CMIP for evaluating regional climate processes |
Day 3 CMIP for evaluating regional climate processes/ Applying CMIP to studying climate projections |
Day 4 Applying CMIP to studying climate projections/ Limitations of and future directions for CMIP in ASEAN, regional downscaling experiments |
AM (Breakout room discussion on building regional best practices for climate science and producing climate change information and services)
View ARCDAP-3 Workshop Concept Note [PDF, 0.803 MB]