05 JUL 2024
ASEANCOF, Workshops
Summary of the Twenty Second Session of the ASEAN Climate Outlook Forum (Hybrid, DMH Lao PDR)

The Twenty-Second session of ASEANCOF (ASEANCOF-22) was hosted by the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology of Lao PDR, in collaboration with RIMES, the ASEANCOF Working Group, and WMO. It was held in a physical meeting format on 27-30 May 2024, including two days of pre-COF training on 27 and 28 May before the COF proper on 29 and 30 May. This was the first in-person ASEANCOF since November 2019 in Thailand. The theme of ASEANCOF-22 was ‘Agriculture and Climate Services’, with a focus on drought. Participants from the NMHSs of ASEAN Member States created a consensus forecast for the boreal summer monsoon (June – August) 2024, and then discussed the application of such climate information with sector representatives.