07 MAY 2021
Sixteen Session of the ASEAN Climate Outlook Forum (ASEANCOF-16)

Date: 20 MAY 2021 - 24 MAY 2021
Venue: Virtual Event
The ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) will be hosting ASEANCOF-16 between 20 and 24 May 2021 (two half-day sessions). The JJA boreal summer monsoon season ASEANCOF sessions are typically held in the second half of May to benefit from the latest model forecast available from the WMO LC-LRFMME. As usual, the ASEANCOF May session will be conducted virtually via questionnaires and online discussions. There will be two online sessions: 20 and 24 May, both of which will be conducted via Zoom.
Theme: In line with the progression towards objective outlooks, a sharing session is also planned for 20 May 2021. All ASEAN NMHSs are invited to present on any downscaling or calibration techniques they apply for their seasonal outlook, whether the downscaling is to station level or producing a spatial map. We encourage all NMHSs to give a presentation if possible. For more information on objective outlooks, the WMO Guidance on Operational Practices for Objective Seasonal Forecasting can be found here.
Participation: All ASEAN NMHSs and international experts.
Day 1 (PM)
- Review of DJF 2020/2021 (with brief recap of JJA 2020)
- Sharing session on downscaling and/or calibration techniques
- Steps towards objective outlooks and progress/plans for ASEANCOF
Day 2 (PM)
- Climate Driver (ENSO, IOD, monsoon activity) discussion and consensus (including sharing of the summary of questionnaire results)
- Break-out consensus discussion
- Updates from RCC
ASEANCOF16_Agenda [PDF, 0.237 MB]